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installing on a g5


I'm trying to install -current on a dual PowerMac G5 which was recently given to me.

ofwboot.xcf seems to crash before it starts to load the kernel. I found a similar problem in the archives (http://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-macppc/2009/09/27/msg000876.html)
but there was no response to this message.

I've tried the latest ofwboot.xcf as well as older ones lying around over here, but I always get the same crash, which is described in the message cited above. For the different ofwboot.xcfs the SRR0 values are slightly different which I interpret as the crash address.

http://www.netbsd.org/ports/macppc/models.html cites G5 PowerMacs as being supported,
so what is wrong?

Am I missing a OF setting I need to make or something?


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