Subject: Re: Need techinal details NEC riscserver 2200
To: None <>
From: Noriyuki Soda <>
List: port-mips
Date: 04/02/1997 03:19:40
> Anyone out there have hardware details on a NEC riscserver 2200
> Right now I am attempting to find the video memory addreess...

NEC RISCstation's ARC-BIOS maps it's video memory (physical address
0x40000000) at virutal address 0xeb000000.
(Winmsd and ARC-BIOS reports that it's system type is "Microsoft-Jazz")

But, ...

> that the arcbios bios_write funtion will only display text
> if this specific TLB exits( all other TLB's can cleared )
> TLB 12:
> EntryHi :  800001ff:e2000000   (r=2 vadr=00:e2000000 ASID=0000)
> EntryLo0 : 00000000:02400017   (PADR:00:90000000 C=2 D=1 V=1 G=1)
> EntryLo1 : 00000000:04000017   (PADR=02:00000000 C=2 D=1 V=1 G=1)
> PageMask 01ffe000

It seems that NEC riscserver is different from riscstation... ?

BTW, RISCstation now works in multi-user mode, and I'm going to
send patch to pefo, and merge OpenBSD's changes to NetBSD...
(But not yet finished...)
--		Software Research Associates, Inc., Japan
(Noriyuki Soda)		   software tools and technology group