Subject: Re: more magnum tests...
To: Mark Abene <>
From: Warner Losh <>
List: port-mips
Date: 02/10/2001 09:17:09
In message <> Mark Abene writes:
: Processes just don't seem to be able to fork from init.
One other thing to consider. Way back in OpenBSD/arc, there used to
be a bug in the dma stuff that would produce similar symptoms on my
rPC44. I'd read in the same blocks over and over from the floppy, or
get strange errors from the disk. Turned out to be a cache coherency
problem that was easy to fix (well, relatively easy, since I only
fixed bt driver with an ugly kludge since I didn't know any better at
the time).
I know it is a longshot, but maybe it is back?