Subject: Re: MIPS cache rototill progressing!
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-mips
Date: 07/13/2001 09:46:16
> * Have not yet tested R4600 (SGI Indy). I want to get the
> RM52xx working, first, since the R4600 cache is "like" the
> RM52xx cache, except with hardware bugs :-)
> Considering that it works on the R4400 (direct-mapped cache) and not
> the RM52xx (2-way set-associative), I probably have a bug in the 2-way
> cache handling code.
As the homework style solution I have a piece of code for cache
invalidation logics for MIPS processors.
This is what I'm using.
/* direct mapped 32KB/16KB, assuming 16B linesize */
asm("mtc0 $0, $28"); /* mtc0 zero, CP0_TAGLO */
size = 32 * 1024; /* 32KB Icache */
p = (caddr_t)0x80000000;
while (size > 0) {
asm("cache 8,0(%0)" ::"r"(p)); /* cache (2<<2)|0,(p) */
size -= 16;
p += 16;
asm("mtc0 $0, $28"); /* mtc0 zero, CP0_TAGLO */
size = 16 * 1024; /* 16KB Dcache */
p = (caddr_t)0x80000000;
while (size > 0) {
asm("cache 9,0(%0)" ::"r"(p)); /* cache (2<<2)|1,(p) */
size -= 16;
p += 16;
For the 2way set associative cache, the following should work (I have
never tried);
/* 2way set associative 16KB/16KB, assuming 16B linesize */
asm("mtc0 $0, $28"); /* mtc0 zero, CP0_TAGLO */
size = (16 * 1024) >> 1; /* 16KB 2way Icache */
p = (caddr_t)0x80000000;
while (size > 0) {
asm("cache 8,0(%0)" ::"r"(p)); /* cache (2<<2)|1,(p) */
asm("cache 8,%1(%0)" ::"r"(p), "i"((16 * 1024) >> 1));
size -= 16;
p += 16;
asm("mtc0 $0, $28"); /* mtc0 zero, CP0_TAGLO */
size = (16 * 1024) >> 1; /* 16KB 2way Dcache */
p = (caddr_t)0x80000000;
while (size > 0) {
asm("cache 9,0(%0)" ::"r"(p)); /* cache (2<<2)|1,(p) */
asm("cache 9,%1(%0)" ::"r"(p), "i"((16 * 1024) >> 1));
size -= 16;
p += 16;
Hope this helpful to someone.
Tohru Nishimura