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re: standard runtime for (possible/hopeful) 64bit kernels

>>>>> "matthew" == matthew green <mrg%eterna.com.au@localhost> writes:

 >> Unfortunately, o64 has already been invented...  Our gcc and
 >> binutils are able to generate o64 code (or at least were a couple
 >> of years ago).
 matthew> ...i think "o64" is effectively dead.  it was invented merely
 matthew> as a stop gap until there was something better, and even 5
 matthew> years ago everyone i knew had moved off, or was moving away
 matthew> from it.

Not true.  I have a bunch of major pieces of code, developed in at
least 3 different organizations, that all use O64.

On the other hand, I have never seen N32/N64 code.  (And when I tried
a migration experiment, I found information on what had to change for
N32 to be very nearly impossible to find -- finally tracked down an
obscure SGI document that had about 75% of the needed information.)

For embedded applications (not float intensive ones) the major
upheaval that's N32 is hard to justify.


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