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Re: NetBSD/hpcmips userland crashes (Re: IBM Workpad z50 dmesg collection)

> 2023年4月8日 17:35,David Brownlee <abs%absd.org@localhost> 写道:
> On Sat, 1 Apr 2023 at 23:46, B 9 <hackerb9%gmail.com@localhost> wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 2:21 PM David Brownlee <abs%absd.org@localhost> wrote:
>>> OK, I'm running a final build of
>>> 388e93b5d10e1d069771de62b3f9bf4227dedb34,
>> Do you need anyone to test it out? I don't see that kernel in sync.absd.org/hpcmips.
>> Also, is this delving deeper into 2016-07-11? That kernel is also missing.
> It failed due to an unrelated change, but parking this due to your comment below
>>> I would expect this to work just fine. The above commit was quite
>>> large, and there were a bunch of follow up commits to the above,
>>> tweaking things for different mips platforms after it, so it is
>>> *possible* that  the initial vr41 issues from the above change were
>>> resolved, and the breakage comes from something else, but Occam
>>> suggests that its most likely the above.
>> I do not wish to be on the wrong side of Occam's razor, but I should mention that netbsd-2016-10-01 boots past the pcic0 error and seems to work for me without coredumps but 2017-01-01 seemed to have the same problem as 9.3.
> That is definitely interesting - I think it's more worthwhile me
> trying to build versions between 2016-10-01 and 2017-01-01 for testing
>> To summarize what I've seen of the various kernel builds:
>> 2016-07-10: Works, no coredump
>> 2016-07-12: Does not boot (stuck after pcic0)
>> 2016-08-01: Does not boot (blank screen)
>> 2016-09-01: [I think this was the same as 10-01, if I recall correctly]
>> 2016-10-01: Boots, no coredump. (This should be verified by someone else as my configuration is a bit askew. I'm testing with a 9.3 userland).
>> 2017-01-01: Boots, but dumps core (possibly the same problem as afflicts 9.3)
> Insert another shout out to anyone else with hpcmips hardware seeing
> this issue to install netbsd-7 and then try the 2016-10-01 kernel

Will GXemul help?

Since hpcmips is supported by GXemul, running in emulator can significantly reduce bisect workload.


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