Subject: Newbie...
To: port-mipsco <>
From: <>
List: port-mipsco
Date: 09/02/2003 23:18:27
Hi all.

My name is Luca Ognibene and I'm from Italy.

I recently acq=
uired (for free) a MIPS Magnum 3000 Workstation, sadly without its hard d=
isk (so no OS on it).
From my brief research (anyway I'm new with this k=
ind of machines) I found that its native OS was the RISC/OS; it seems the=
 development of this OS continues but just on ARM architectures (but I ma=
y be wrong - see

So the two ways left to use this mac=
hine (which I consider quite nice, IMHO - just a feeling to be honest) is=
 to get the original RISC/OS somewhere and/or use NetBSD (the installatio=
n seems to be impossible without the original operating system installed)=

So, could you give me more info about this machine, where to get the=
 original OS (MIPS dropped support AFAIK), some hints (do I have to put i=
t in the bin...  :)  ).

BTW, it seems NetBSD doesn't support the PS/2 =

Thanks for whatever you may do.
Kind regards,
uca Ognibene.

P.S. My machine specs: 32MB RAM, Viper 150 tape drive wi=
th no cartridge, monochrome B/W 17" monitor (I  get the image in the lowe=
r part of the screen only, from the center).
No expansion or colour adap=