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turkey there

Scape, long dormant, suddenly
reawoke in him with a new force. And, once stirring, it was

not to be silenced, but went on sounding like a
ground-tone through all
he did. At first he shut his ears to it, to dally with side issues. For
example, he worried the question why the breaking-point should only now
have been reached and not six months, a year ago. It was quibbling to
lay the whole blame on Ocock's shoulders. The real cause went deeper,
was of older growth. And driving his mind back

over the past, he believed he could pin his present loss of grip to that
fatal day on which he learnt that his best friend had betrayed
him. Things like that gave you a crack that would not mend. He had been
rendered suspicious where he
had once been credulous; prone
to see evil where no evil was. For, deceived by Purdy, in whom could he
trust? Of a surety not in the pushful set of jobbers and

tricksters he was condemned to live amongst. No discoveries

he might make about them would surprise him.--And once more the old
impotent a

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