Subject: WTB: MVME147 type boards
To: NetBSD Mvme68k <port-mvme68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gregg C Levine <>
List: port-mvme68k
Date: 12/01/2000 01:51:25
Hello from Gregg C Levine normally with Jedi Knight Computers
I am normally an Intel based designer, I discovered the Moto based designs
about the same time the first Macintosh made its way onto the desks everywhere.
That by way of an introduction. That said, I am looking for place that has for
sale an MVME147 board containing anywhere from 8MB upto 32 MB of memory. Would
anybody who monitors this list have any of that specie in stock, and be
interested in making a sale? Please contact me directly. I apologize if this is
not the proper forum for this statement.
Gregg C Levine
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."  Obi-Wan Kenobi
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi (Perhaps one of
the most powerful of all of the Jedi Knights))
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda
(Perhaps the other one of the most powerful of all of the Jedi Knights))
And the favorite line by Anonymous "May the Force be with you."