Subject: MVME224 switch/jumper settings (was: Re: 141-2 Bus troubles)
To: Bernd Walter <>
From: John D. Baker <>
List: port-mvme68k
Date: 11/15/2001 23:44:13
My MVME224-2 board has all switches on S1, S2, and S3 turned OFF,
or OPEN.  I'm sure this sets the board's base address to 0x00000000
on both VME and VSB.

When my MVME147 was still working, I managed to figure out how to set
the board's VME base address to 4MB and have the '147 be able to see it
and for NetBSD 1.3.3 and 1.4.2 to see it.  I dont' recall which switch
did it, I was poking around VME space with '147-bug to find it.

There are also three jumpers on the board, labelled J2, J4 and J5.
J2 is immediately above the P2 connector.  J4 and J5 are 3 chip-rows
back from P2, just above a socketed PAL.

On my board, the jumpers are set as follows:

    J2:  off
    J4:  off
    J5:  on

Hope this helps.

John D. Baker                           OpenBSD           NetBSD
j d b a k e r @ b l k b o x . c o m              FreeBSD          BSD/OS
h t t p : / / w w w . b l k b o x . c o m / ~ j d b a k e r /
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