Subject: Re: Trouble netbooting MVME167B
To: Henning Kiel <>
From: Steve Woodford <>
List: port-mvme68k
Date: 08/06/2003 13:36:07
On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Henning Kiel wrote:
> Now I wanted to install netbsd on the 167, but I cannot read from disk.
> It is recognized correctly with iot;t, but when I try to read from it with
> iop, I get error 000E.
> The pdf-handbook from the net is silent about this error code.
I have a dead tree manual here for the MVME147 SCSI Firmware, which lists
all the packet status codes. I have no reason to believe the '167 firmware
does things any differently.
For 000E, it says "Error in attach (not previously attached, bad device
LUN, unsupported controller)."
Not much more helpful, but watch out for the slight differences in the
command syntax between 147Bug and 167Bug. ISTR the device/LUN parameters
are specified differently. Perhaps that's the problem.
> It would also be nice if there would exist a program which compiles on eg.
> Linux which can partition disks for NetBSD. Also if this program could
> copy the swap-initrd and make the disk bootable ;-)
The NetBSD source is available... 8-)
Cheers, Steve