Subject: Re: Trouble netbooting MVME167B
To: Michael Kukat <>
From: Henning Kiel <>
List: port-mvme68k
Date: 08/12/2003 15:57:08
On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Michael Kukat wrote:

> Hi !
> On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Henning Kiel wrote:
> > > Can you post the complete kernel boot messages, plus the registers and
> > > stack trace please.
> >
> > Difficult. I'm using a VT100 device here. I tried to connect with my
> > Linux-PC, but didn't succeed. I have 9-pin Nullmodem cable (wires 2-3 and
> > 3-2, and gnd (5 or so...) connected).
> > With "cat /dev/ttyS0" I don't get the MVME's output (I set the baudrate to
> > 9600 and 8N1 no handshake). Also with a Kermit program i cannot connect.
> > Am I doing something wrong?
> cat sucks. use "cu -l /dev/ttyS0" or something. Maybe you have to configure
> some uucp stuff, see /etc/uucp. (Stopped using Linux some years ago :)
> Or just use minicom. Simple and powerful.

Again, I have no clue how these programs work. I'm using a VT100 Terminal.
This cable however is a DB9 female (MVME side) to DB25 male (VT100 side)
cable. So I cannot use it for the PeeCee.
I now have a cable with 2x DB9 female with

2 - 3
3 - 2
5 - 5
7 - 7

I have no idea how minicom or kermit works. I could set them up to use
9600 8N1 no_handshake.
I suppose I just start minicom (which somhow expects a modem, and (I
think) sends a character sequence to init. the modem of course does not
exist: there is just the above cable.
The transition module is a 712A/AM + 712B
If I start the MVME (or reset it) I don't get any output.

