Subject: NWS-3260 questions
To: None <>
From: Foldesi Peter <>
List: port-newsmips
Date: 11/26/2002 00:36:26
Hi there All Great NEWS Gods!

I've recently resurrected my old NWS-3260. I've never see her alive. I've
found it aside the dumpster at some now deceased machinery company.
The  NVRAM is died now (i'm working  on to replace it, i'm seeking for a
decent socket for the chip now), and  the disk that contains News-OS too.

So, i made up my mind to install NetBSD on this old beast.
Now, i have several questions:
- the NetBSD is working only with serial console on this machine?
- where can i get an install kit for NEWS-OS? I'm very interested in it,
because i'm first try the old iron's original operating systems... then if
i decide to not like it, i replace them with some free software :)

Thanks for your help All Great NEWS Gods!
.... and sorry about my painful english :)


Peter Foldesi
rATMAN of CrimS0n jIHAD
Hungarian madman of Old Computing Environments