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Re: bug fix of boot failure on news3400 (Re: Anybody there?)

At 11:36 PM +0900 4/21/03, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
?Hi, thank you for your report.

        No problem.  Glad to be of help.

 >   Shall we continue?
                                   d0: no disk label
 1sd0: no disk label              ?b: Yes     /

        Now, where did it stop?  Well, when I got to the screen where
 it asks if you want to install to the hard drive and I select yes
 (option b), it gives the message that my sd0 has no disk label.  How
 can I label it so it can continue?  Can I just slap it to a Sun

"sd0: no disk label" message is printed by kernel when
it tries to read disklabel but there is no label on the disk.
This message is just a warning, so you can proceed installation
and then sysinst will support to make partitions and disklabel.
If screen is corrupted by the warning messages, you always can hit
^L (ctrl-L) to repaint the screen.

I found what was going on: once that problem happened, the screen would stop being written to (as in the vt1000 escape commands are being ignored or just not being sent anymore). So, I now have to keep pressing the right arrow key to see the text being draw on on the screen.

 >   Anyway, it seems that after this I may finally be able to
 install netbsd in this machine. =)

Okay, I've put a new snapshot built from around 20030419 sources:
Izumi Tsutsui

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