Subject: Re: powering down a NeXT machine
To: matt debergalis <deberg@MIT.EDU>
From: Rolf Grossmann <>
List: port-next68k
Date: 04/14/1999 00:42:08
on 13 Apr 1999 17:26:52 -0400 matt debergalis wrote
concerning "powering down a NeXT machine" something like this:
> is anyone familiar with the NeXT rom monitor? to power down from the
> rom monitor, you're supposed to hit the power key. if i'm using the
> monitor over a serial line, however, that doesn't work, because there is
> no power key!
> anyone know of another way to request a powerdown? i suppose i could
> look for the ROM address to jump to and manually set the PC to that, but
> i'm hoping for something a bit cleaner (and easier).
IIRC there isn't anything else you can do from the monitor. However, it's
almost 3 years (I think) since I've tried to decompile that code. There is
no such thing as the power-off command in the sun prom. Of course
you can always boot NextStep and do a halt -p. ;)
My guess would be that powering off doesn't involve much more than switching
a bit in some register, but I haven't looked at that code, yet.