Subject: Re: Plan 9 is out...
To: Rolf Grossmann <>
From: Jon McClintock <>
List: port-next68k
Date: 06/08/2000 16:50:45
On Fri, Jun 09, 2000 at 01:43:03AM +0200, Rolf Grossmann wrote:
> on 07 Jun 2000 21:41:56 -0400 Perry E. Metzger wrote 
> > The Plan 9 source code is now open source. That probably means that
> > the NeXT black hardware code (including drivers we don't know how to
> > write) are in there. The code is GPLed, but the information is more
> > valuable than the code itself.
> > See:
> Hmm, from a quick look at those pages, it doesn't look like they were
> releasing next68k code. Did anybody already download the distribution?
> Am I overlooking something?

From the web page:

  This is the distribution for the Third Edition of Plan 9. It 
  contains source of the kernel, libraries, and commands for all supported
  architectures. It also contains complete binaries for the x86 architecture. 

So, you have to d/l the source; they aren't distributing binaries for anything
except x86.
