Subject: Re: dma & ethernet changes to -current, now running again
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-next68k
Date: 04/07/2001 13:45:41
> I still need to figure out how to get it to power-save the monitor,
> or run it headless -- gotta be UPS-friendly with the power crisis and
> all.  I think I saw a web page about headless NeXT's... what do y'all
> recommend?

I have a Slab that I'm running headless.  (Diskless, too, but that's
orthogonal to headlessness AFAICT.)

The webpage doco about how to make it power up without a monitor seemed
to be basically accurate, though I've had inconsistent results from my
experiments aimed at making it capable of both unattented reboots and
unattended recovery from powerfailure.

My first attempt, of course, was to just hardwire the resistor in
place.  This gives unattended recovery from mains power failure, but on
at least one of my slabs it makes it impossible to deliberately
power-cycle the machine.  (What I want is for it to power down and then
power back up right away.  What I get is that the first powerdown
attempt fails; sometimes I've made it power down, but when I have it
doesn't power back up.)  I have a small circuit that seems to do the
trick which I can send you if you're interested; I cut a spare monitor
cable in two and connected to the wire ends.

					der Mouse

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