Subject: Re: Disk config problems
To: None <port-pc532@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jon Buller <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 01/10/1995 10:45:58
cruff@niwot.scd.ucar.EDU (Craig Ruff) wrote:
>The drive word includes a LUN in the low three bits. Try:
>> disk sd0 at ncr0 flags 0 drive 000 bio
>> disk sd1 at ncr0 flags 0 drive 010 bio
Thanks Craig, that was it. We could really use a set of man pages for
the pc532 specific stuff. I hacked a SPARC MAKEDEV.8 into one for a
pc532, but I haven't written man pages before. Can anyone point me to
a place to figure out the different nroff -man macros, and nroff in
general? Perhaps I'll have the time to write a few.
Jon Buller