Subject: Re: Floating point exception (core dumped)
To: None <>
From: Phil Nelson <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 06/28/1995 17:06:40
>I wrote several programs, compiled them to asm, and hacked the asm
>to come to that conclusion.  So the next question is "Should a
>floating point overflow cause a SIGFPE by default, or should it
>not?  If not, how should IEEE results be returned?  I think Linux
>requires a -lieee flag on the compiler to return INFs.  Is that
>proper for NetBSD as well, or should we make IEEE mode default,
>and allow a flag to speed things up (and SIGFPE if you're not
>careful)?  Should it be a seperate library, or some other device?

Part of this might be resolved by better processing in pc532/pc532/trap.c.
I didn't do very much work on the fpe traps.  I just sent them to
signals.  It might be appropriate to look at the trap and see what caused
it and then make a decision as to what to do.  We (I? you? ???) should
look at what generates the FPE traps and then decide what the best
action to take based on what caused the FPE trap.

Phil Nelson