Subject: Anyone using PLIP and SLIP or PPP at the same time?
To: None <port-pc532@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 07/26/1995 07:45:29
I have been working on a PLIP implementation for the i386 some time ago
but never had enough time to finish and clean it up. So I had a look
at the pc532's port lpt.c a few days ago and threw away my own code
at once, ported your code to the i386's lpt.c and now have a version
running, which is very much simpler and elegant than my own try.

This version has some problems when running with a PPP or SLIP link
up - it blocks interrupts long enough for the serial line(s) to drop
characters (even with 16 byte fifos on the NS16550 serial chips I use).
Does this happen with the pc532 version too or did I make a mistake when
porting it?

I have a router system driving the slip link to my ISP and connecting
my notebook via PLIP, so this is mission critical ;-)
