Subject: Re: Well, I *wanted* to say that my pc532 lived!
To: Jon Buller <>
From: 51482) < (Raymond A. Wiker>
List: port-pc532
Date: 10/12/1995 09:26:37
Jon Buller writes:
[ Referring to the autoboot monitor. ]
> Could you send the sources to me? I'm running an older monitor,
> and have been thinking about getting the auto-boot version installed.
> (I currently have to type "read 2 180000 20\nrun 180020\n" to get
> the OS running, and I thought it would be nice to update.) I'll
> fix it up for GAS, and see what happens...
I'd like to remind you all that Ian Dall has updated the
autoboot monitor to Mk2 status. It's still CAS (Culbertson assembler)
syntax, but he includes some sed scripts to massage it into gas
> In addition, I have some 4MB SIMMS, and I added the hardware refresh
> wires, but I can't get any response from the ROM. I was hoping
> (but really know better) that the ROM was not clearing the memory
> correctly when initializing the parity bits, and was getting hung.
I'm not certain what exactly you meant by this - did you refer
to the strapping options for the refresh page size? Anyway, the newer
RAM chips (like 4M * 1 and 1M * 4, as found on 9-chip/4M and and
3-chip/1M simms) have a JEDEC test mode that is triggered by activity
on the /WE line during a refresh cycle. Mark Munkacsy (sp?) (I think!)
suggested a 1-chip fix to the motherboard to accommodate this type of
SIMMs; I have a no-chip solution that works for me at least. I can dig
out the details again, if anyone is interested...