Subject: Re: X11 binaries,
To: 51482) < (Raymond A. Wiker>
From: Antti-Pekka Virtanen <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 01/22/1996 09:07:06
> 	Thanks! I am just now sending a tarred and gzipped file across
> - it contains my /usr/X11R6 and is about 8.5MB. (To be exact: 8552833
> bytes.) 

Thanks for the upload!

It's now available in

And we will happily accept other binaries/sources as well...
And you'll find the NetBSD mirror there too :)


Antti-Pekka Virtanen            E-mail:
Lemminkaisenkatu 15 A 8         Packet: OH1YF@OH1RBU.TKU.FIN.EU (Ham Radio)
FIN-20520 Turku                 Tel.  : Intl. +358 21 236 0025
Finland				Cell. : Intl. +358 400 789 753 <- Preferred

"If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it,
 we would be so simple we couldn't."