Subject: Recent changes to the pc532 port
To: None <port-pc532@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Matthias Pfaller <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 03/19/1998 11:01:49
during the last days I commited a couple of changes to the pc532 port.
- The kernel now uses the MACHINE_NEW_CONTIG memory modell.
- The md parts of the new vm system (uvm) are now present and I
compiled a kernel with uvm enabled for my test machine (DUMMY).
It booted into multiuser, but I did no real tests (yet).
- Ian Dall's changes to gdb and gcc are now in -current. Thank's
again for his excellent work.
If you wish to try uvm, just add an "options UVM" to your kernel
config file.
If you rebuild the world, be carefull about At the moment
it doesn't seem to work on the pc532 (at least for me). The system
will work fine with a 1.3
Matthias Pfaller Software Entwicklung
marco Systemanalyse und Entwicklung GmbH Tel +49 8131 5161-41
Hans-B=F6ckler-Str. 2, D 85221 Dachau Fax +49 8131 5161-66 Email