Subject: Re: pc532 Clocks (was: [pkg] perl not working)
To: None <, port-pc532@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Phil Budne <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 07/01/1998 13:12:15
Date: Wed, 01 Jul 1998 10:50:47 -0500
From: Jon Buller <>
Also, what timings are affected? I have noticed that my pc532
loses about 30 seconds a day. Would that be due to losing clock
interrupts, or a crystal that isn't quite 50MHz, or something else?
The ICU clock input is from the DUART XTAL (3.6864MHz), not the system OSC;
#define ICU_CLK_HZ (3686400/4) /* raw ICU clock speed */