Subject: Re: Roms
To: Simon Burge <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 04/23/1999 00:45:11
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Simon Burge wrote:

> > 	Just on principle I've put this information, plus the location
> > 	of the autoboot images, onto an FAQ webpage under NetBSD/pc532...
> > 	In case someone somewhere finds another pc532 in an attic :)
> David - you're a champion!  Is there life after FAQs?  :-) :-)

	Gawd only knows :) I've just taken the liberty of moving the
	'what is a pc532' into the FAQ, and adding a link into the
	pc532 project mail archives.

	That combined with switching eveyr .faq file on
	into a .list file (slightly more flexible), has just about wiped
	me out.

	Just to keep this relevant, I should be able to get a 2GB
	micropolis disk off to Phil tomorrow to enable him to actually
	build on his pc532 :)


           -=-  "If there is a hell... I'll see you there"  -=-