Subject: Re: panics ...
To: None <>
From: Ian Dall <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 06/01/1999 11:05:07 (Matthias Pfaller) writes:

  > In article <>,
  > (Ian Dall) writes:
  >> Phil Nelson <> writes:
  >> > Hi,
  >> >   I'm running 1.4 on my pc532 and have had a lot of 
  >> > "free vnode isn't" panics.  Has anyone else had those
  >> > kinds of panics recently?  (I get one quite predictably
  >> > at daily script processing.)
  >> I've had two about 24 hrs apart. Both times while doing large builds.
  >> This is definitely not as stable as it used to be...

  > I did a full rebuild of 1.4 and a X11 rebuild on my pc532 without problems.
  > However I have 32m ram and my machine goes through this almost without
  > any paging. How much ram do you have? I'll try to redo this test with only
  > 16m this weekend.

I upgraded to 1.4C and still get panics. However, I can go for quite a
long time without panics if I am careful. I can do major builds (I
built the gnome-core package and all the packages it depends on), but
doing something like "find . -name \*.[ch] | xargs grep foo" is very
likely to cause a panic. This is odd because I would have thought that
a make would hit the file system pretty hard too.

I'm rebuilding my kernel with "-g" so I can better use gdb on it.
However, this part of the kernel I am totally unfamiliar with,
so it remains to be seen whether I discover anything useful.

I notice Phil has raised a PR.
