Subject: Re: Active, inactive, and non-users...
To: Ian Dall <>
From: Eyal Lebedinsky <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 12/17/1999 08:20:22
Ian Dall wrote:
> Well, I still use mine! Believe it or not it is my "server", though I
> think it will soon (next six months) it will become a
> router/firewall/terminal server only. Some things (eg gnome, mozilla)
> are just too slow to be useable on a pc532, but with the 230.4 kb/s
> uarts it can handle a ppp link admirably and the Cabletron
> scsi/ethernet is no bottleneck when my connection to the internet is

I do not use my pc532 that often these days. However, it is the only
BSD machine I have (at home) and as such I sometimes use it to test
software on yet another platform. My main system runs Linux.

BTW, how does one get the serial ports to go 230.4 kb/s? I am still
running NetBSD 1.2 as it was released (i.e. I did not do a build).

Eyal Lebedinsky		(