Subject: [Repost?] History Up For Grabs
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-pc532
Date: 11/06/2002 18:09:15
[ Tried to send this out a day or three ago, but it appears
it didn't take. One more time! --jdl ]
OK Folks,
The time has come to part with my PC-532. I'm moving clear
across the Known World two weeks from today. I have what
I believe is a perfectly working PC-532 with just serial
lines (no ether). While there are some of those, er, new
fangled Micropolis drives in another cardboard box that have
actually been connected to the PC-532 and were at one time
known to work, I'll make no guarantee about any of it now.
It's yours for the merest of requests. With or without the drives.
With or without roughly a ream of assorted documentation.
With or without the Minix 1.3 release and floppy.
I swear I threw out the Xerox 820 CP/M 64K Z-80 system.
No really. OK, so it is on the pile to be thrown out
by week's end.
I _double_ swear I threw out the KIM-1 6502 hex-keypad board too.
No really.
But if you want any of that crap and act fast... I would
happily transfer it from my attic to yours!