Subject: Free Tape Offer
To: Aol Users <>
From: None <>
List: port-pdp10
Date: 06/17/2003 13:17:40
Dear fellow Beings
This is a urgent message to make a 1 time offer to you. The J & A
Ministries is offering for a limited time a tape called the LAW by JAH. He
is written about in Malachi 4:5
4:5 Behold, I will send you Eli(JAH) the Prophet before the coming of the
great and dreadful Day of the "I AM"
4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the
heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with
a curse.
The time is shorter than you think don't wait, the heavens are crying out
to you don't you hear them can't you feel them ? This tape explains how we
as the chosen can put everything right!
To get this most valuable information send your name and address to:
J & A Ministries
1739 SW Loop 410
Ste 804 Dept 188
San Antonio, TX 78227
include $5 for shipping and handling any additional Donations will be
appreciated. The tape is our gift to you. The message is a gift to the
Note: This is not selling anything and it should'nt be considered spam
since we only mail to those who have either requested this information or
who have been added to our mailing list if you have received this in error
please write us and include your email address an we will remove it ASAP. We
aplogize that we dont have fancy web pages or emails those cost and we have
limited resources. The information on the tape however is PRICELESS....JEDI
This is a one time mailing and the list will be destroyed after use to
protect the chosen.