Subject: Re: NetBSD pmax binaries on Gregorio.Stanford.EDU:/pub/NetBSD/pmax
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Cagney <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/25/1994 09:18:06
Excerpts from mail: 23-Oct-94 NetBSD pmax binaries on Gre.. Jonathan
Stone@DSG.Stanf (1739)
> Notably, the usr.gnu.tar.gz contains an ``as'' and ``ld'' hacked from
> GNU binutils, version 2.4. They produce (and understand) NetBSD-style
> a.out files for little-endian machines. The changes I have to the
> Cygnus source to produce these binaries is kind of ugly, and it isn't
> the assembler/loader that other NetBSD ports use.
I've kicked out a set of changes to binutils-2.5 that are intended to
make doing this easier. If a person is steping forward to adapt
JonathanS's changes, they may also want to have a look at: