Subject: bug in pmax kernel 5k/240 interrupt handler
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/11/1995 21:34:04
It seems the callv members #ifdef DS5000_240/#endif
never got updated when the callv method [sic] names changed.
(Your line numbers will vary).
diff -c -r1.1 trap.c.PUBLIC
*** /tmp/RCSAa11915 Sat Feb 11 21:31:19 1995
--- trap.c. Sat Feb 11 21:29:18 1995
*** 1294,1300 ****
*imaskp = old_mask;
if (mask & MACH_INT_MASK_4)
! (*callv->halt)((int *)0, 0);
/* handle clock interrupts ASAP */
if (mask & MACH_INT_MASK_1) {
--- 1294,1300 ----
*imaskp = old_mask;
if (mask & MACH_INT_MASK_4)
! (*callv->_halt)((int *)0, 0);
/* handle clock interrupts ASAP */
if (mask & MACH_INT_MASK_1) {