Subject: DECstation 5000/25's fer sale
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: The Dragon De Monsyne <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 06/13/1995 02:41:37
Tho' I've been following the netbsd-pmax port with rapt, if
silent attention, I am in need of cash for some other hardware, thus my
two DECstation 5000/25's are for sale. (I am posting here b4 I post to
usenet, b'cuz I figure you folx could use a spare machine, or two. )
(I also offered these a few months ago, and after the person who said
he'd buy them then couldn't, i decided at having another go at making
them useful. However, now I HAVE to sell them, so... )
Anyrate, here goes.
Qty Description Price (+ship.)
(2) plain-vanilla DECstation 5000/25 $350
(1) DECstation keyboard & mouse $40
(1) Flaky DEC scsi-2 harddrive 200Mb FREE!
All prices are +ship. and o.b.o If you buy both machines, you
get the keyboard, mouse and harddrive free. (that harddrive is weird. If
you can make use of it, you've got a 200M harddrive. If not, you've got a
neat paperweight)
-The Dragon De Monsyne