Subject: Re: Cannot boot genbsd
To: Ted Lemon <>
From: Martin Brennfleck <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/03/1995 22:26:54
> Building from source should be straightforward. Have you installed
> the pmax snapshot on From that, you should be able
> to successfully build a kernel - if not, let us know how you're losing
> and maybe we can help!
> _MelloN_
thank you for your mail.
Perhaps it sounds a bit silly, but I don't know how to start.
I have installed the binary system from NetBSD/arch/pmax/binary/ .
The files are dated Jan 23.
I grabbed sys.tar.gz from the NetBSD/NetBSD-current/tar_files/src
directory. I do not know, how to configure the kernel and how to make it.
In wich Directory have I to untar the file(s), where have I to call make,
do I have any options to pass?
Where is the description file, where I can configure the kernel?
I even do not know if the file sys.tar.gz is the right one, or do I have
to do get more files? Do I have to use a certain version of the compiler ...
These are a lot of Questions, I know.
I'd be very greatfull (is greatfull a proper word in that sense?)
if you find once again the time to answer me.
Thank you and bye
*** Martin Brennfleck ***