Subject: Re: Few nasty problems on DS 5000/120
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Helge MEINHARD, Chorus, CERN-ECP <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/19/1995 08:13:30
> >After having obtained hints on how to cure the kernel compilation
> >problem, I successfully built a new kernel, which looks like a big step
> >forward. Thanks again to all who have helped solve my problems.
> >A few remaining subleties are listed here:
> > With the kernel provided with the miniroot (I haven't tried the one
> > I've compiled on that), 32 MB of main memory (2 x 8 boards of 2 x 2 MB
> > each) seem not to work.
> Sorry, I don't understand your description of your memory
> configuration. I have a machine here with 32 Mbytes that works.
> NetBSD/pmax doesn't currently work with different-sized memory boards.
> Were you trying to mix different-sized boards?
No, not at all. I've got sixteen SIMMs of 2 MB each into the machine,
filling all available slots. When I realized that this doesn't work, I
removed the four SIMMs from the 2 x 2 sockets named 6 and 7, thus
reducing the memory to 24 MB, after which NetBSD booted happily.
> I just built a new base.tar.gz, that was current as of about July 7,
> and installed it on today. If you fetch that tarball,
> the problems with programs that use libkvm (ps, and others) should go
> away. The new base.tar.gz should be visible on FTP mirrors tomorrow.
Okay, I'll fetch it over, thanks.