Subject: Re: Configuring kernels
To: Jonathan Stone <>
From: Jeremy C. McDermond <mcdermj@PEAK.ORG>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/18/1995 15:44:43
>Fifth: cpu_cons.c errors. The consprobetc() function could be renamed
>to something more sensible, and could also profitably be
>conditionalized with #ifdef DS5000 (but see above for whatever that
Yeah - I've done a lot of this so it compiles at least, I plan on doing some
send-pr's for them as soon as I can verify that they work, and seeing if I
can get a PMAX kernel definition into the tree.
>If and when I had time, I'd considered moving the interrupt- and
>trap-handling code into a file for each cpu: kn01.c for the 3100,
>kn02.c for the 5k/200, kmin.c for the 3MIN, maxine.c for the Personal
>Decstation (MAXINE), and kn03.c for the 5k/240 (3MAXPLUS). If I did
>that, I'd be inclined to change the config tokens for each cpu
>to be (e.g.) KN01, KN02, KMIN, MAXINE(?) and KN03.
>Sixth: I can't tell if the problems with 2100/3100 mono frambeuffers
>is due to the framebuffer driver, or to the glass-tty emulation code.
>I don't have access to one to test. It would really, really help me
>if someone could try starting an X server on a mono 3100 (e.g., from a
>network login or a serial terminal) and see if that works at all.
This is the big thing for me - I have kernels compiling, but I can't see how
they are breaking. My guess would be it's problems with the frame buffer
drivers, but I can't tell you for sure. If you can point me to a binary
snapshot of an X server, I'll try and execute it on mine, and give you some
output on it. It would just be a real mess to try and compile an Xserver on
my box.
>Seventh: remote consoles don't yet work with newconfig. This is
>lower down my priority stack than fixing the SCSI driver. If I
>continue to hear requests for serial console support, it'll get pushed
>up. (Are people only running NetBSD on machines they've already
>ripped the framebuffers out of and put in other machines, or what?)
Heh, heh, heh.
Jeremy C. McDermond mcdermj@Peak.ORG
Technical Analyst mcdermj@Xenotropic.COM
Willamette Industries,Inc. #include <Standard Disclaimer>