Subject: Re: serial consoles
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Endre Angelvik <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/03/1995 00:32:08
> Okay, the priority is raised.
Much appreciated.
> I have non-NetBSD commitments that *have* to take precedence
> for the next week, maybe two weeks.
> Supporting serial consoles ``the right way'' with new-style config and
> autoconfiguration implies significant rewrites of the serial driver.
> NetBSD/pmax has two serial drivers: the dc7085 used in 3100s and
> 5k/200s, and the SCC driver used in everything else (i.e., IOASIC
> machines).
> It would help me focus my time (and debugging) if I knew which was
> more in demand: serial consoles for 3100s and 5k/200s, or for IOASIC
> machines.
I am also running a 5k/24 in addition to the 5k/240, both with serial
consoles. For me the SCC driver is the one.
> --Jonathan
Endre Angelvik