Subject: Re: Mounting disks on pmax -current
To: Ben Cottrell <benco@ucsee.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/10/1995 12:11:51
You've probably hit the ufs -> ffs change...
Try 'mount_ffs /dev/rz0g /usr' at the prompt - and if it works
edit fstab to change ufs to ffs...
Hmmm - / should only be mounted readonly in that senario..
'mount -o update /dev/rz0a /' should fix that...
Good luck :)
David/abs +44 171 477 8186 (MIME) +44 181 888 8949
Network Analyst, UCS, City University System Manager, Southern Studios Ltd
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On Thu, 9 Nov 1995, Ben Cottrell wrote:
> I'm having some trouble with -current ksrc (both yesterday's and
> the day before yesterday's had the same problem). I've configured
> it using NEWCONF with as few changes as possible (just increasing
> maxusers and changing the root and swap configuration).
> The symptom is that / mounts read-write fine, but /usr (the g
> partition on the same disk) does not:
> # mount -a
> ufs: /dev/rz0g on /usr: Operation not supported by device
> This is on a 3100, and the disk in question is a DEC RZ55.
> Does anyone know what the problem is here? I've read the appropriate
> man pages, and verified with dumpfs that the two filesystems are
> of the same type.
> -ben