Subject: X works!
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/24/1995 15:05:23
Hi, all!
I got X working on /dev/cfb0. I'm using the X11R6 clients from, and the X11R5 Xcfbpmax server that Arne compiled.
I needed to download the R5 /store/lib/X11/fonts/misc directory, since
the R5 server didn't like the ones from X11R6. The rest of the font
directories work fine, though.
Significant URLs:
(... and the fonts from R6, which I happened to have on CD-ROM.)
This is what I did for /dev/mouse:
cd /dev
mknod fb0 c 86 0
mv mouse mouse.old
ln -s fb0 mouse
Now all I have to do is start collecting X binaries. But first, I'd
like to help out with shared libraries, if I can. :)
I've made a tarfile of my working setup, with a brief README, if
anybody wants to have it (or if they'll put it up for FTP in some
contrib directory)...
Have fun!
Gord Matzigkeit | This is my NetBSD development account | Please send mail to