Subject: Fixed DECstation [23]100 monochrome driver...
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ted Lemon <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/25/1995 02:53:03
It turns out that there were two problems: the brooktree DAC was being
initialized incorrectly, and the rasterop code was behaving
incorrectly. The patch below fixes both problems (the change to
bt478.c is already checked into -current).
I would appreciate it if somebody who has a working cfb or sfb
configuration (i.e., 8 bits per pixel) would try out these changes and
see how badly they break things - I know they work on the pmax
monochrome frame buffer, but I don't want to send them to pk until
they also work on pmax color frame buffers.
diff -c -r1.2 sys/dev/rcons/raster_op.c
*** sys/dev/rcons/raster_op.c 1995/11/24 23:50:54 1.2
--- sys/dev/rcons/raster_op.c 1995/11/25 10:49:26
*** 446,451 ****
--- 446,454 ----
0x000fffff, 0x001fffff, 0x003fffff, 0x007fffff,
0x00ffffff, 0x01ffffff, 0x03ffffff, 0x07ffffff,
0x0fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff };
+ #define LSOP <<
+ #define RSOP >>
#endif /*MSBYTE_FIRST*/
#else /*MSBIT_FIRST*/
*** 479,484 ****
--- 482,489 ----
0xfffff000, 0xfffff800, 0xfffffc00, 0xfffffe00,
0xffffff00, 0xffffff80, 0xffffffc0, 0xffffffe0,
0xfffffff0, 0xfffffff8, 0xfffffffc, 0xfffffffe };
+ #define LSOP >>
+ #define RSOP <<
#endif /*not MSBYTE_FIRST*/
#endif /*MSBIT_FIRST*/
*** 1171,1177 ****
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlin;,
! /*s*/ *srclin << prevleftshift,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlin = ( *dstlin & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
--- 1176,1182 ----
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlin;,
! /*s*/ *srclin LSOP prevleftshift,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlin = ( *dstlin & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
*** 1186,1192 ****
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlin;,
! /*s*/ *srclin >> currrightshift,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlin = ( *dstlin & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
--- 1191,1197 ----
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlin;,
! /*s*/ *srclin RSOP currrightshift,
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlin = ( *dstlin & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
*** 1211,1217 ****
dstlong = dstlin;
dstlong2 = dstlong + dstlongs;
if ( srcleftignore > dstleftignore )
! prevsl = *srclong++ << prevleftshift;
prevsl = 0;
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
--- 1216,1222 ----
dstlong = dstlin;
dstlong2 = dstlong + dstlongs;
if ( srcleftignore > dstleftignore )
! prevsl = *srclong++ LSOP prevleftshift;
prevsl = 0;
if ( dstrightignore != 0 )
*** 1224,1230 ****
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ sl = *srclong;
dl = *dstlong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( sl >> currrightshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( *dstlong & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
prevsl = sl << prevleftshift;
--- 1229,1235 ----
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ sl = *srclong;
dl = *dstlong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( sl RSOP currrightshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( *dstlong & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
prevsl = sl << prevleftshift;
*** 1238,1246 ****
/*pre*/ while ( dstlong != dstlong2 )
sl = *srclong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( sl >> currrightshift ),
/*d*/ *dstlong,
! /*pst*/ prevsl = sl << prevleftshift;
} )
--- 1243,1251 ----
/*pre*/ while ( dstlong != dstlong2 )
sl = *srclong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( sl RSOP currrightshift ),
/*d*/ *dstlong,
! /*pst*/ prevsl = sl LSOP prevleftshift;
} )
*** 1251,1257 ****
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( *srclong >> currrightshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( dl & nrm ) | ( *dstlong & rm ); )
--- 1256,1262 ----
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( *srclong RSOP currrightshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( dl & nrm ) | ( *dstlong & rm ); )
*** 1269,1275 ****
dstlong = dstlin;
dstlong2 = dstlong - dstlongs;
if ( srcrightignore > dstrightignore )
! prevsl = *srclong-- >> currrightshift;
prevsl = 0;
if ( dstleftignore != 0 )
--- 1274,1280 ----
dstlong = dstlin;
dstlong2 = dstlong - dstlongs;
if ( srcrightignore > dstrightignore )
! prevsl = *srclong-- RSOP currrightshift;
prevsl = 0;
if ( dstleftignore != 0 )
*** 1282,1291 ****
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ sl = *srclong;
dl = *dstlong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( sl << prevleftshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( dl & nrm ) | ( *dstlong & rm ); )
! prevsl = sl >> currrightshift;
--- 1287,1296 ----
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ sl = *srclong;
dl = *dstlong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( sl LSOP prevleftshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( dl & nrm ) | ( *dstlong & rm ); )
! prevsl = sl RSOP currrightshift;
*** 1296,1304 ****
/*pre*/ while ( dstlong != dstlong2 )
sl = *srclong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( sl << prevleftshift ),
/*d*/ *dstlong,
! /*pst*/ prevsl = sl >> currrightshift;
} )
--- 1301,1309 ----
/*pre*/ while ( dstlong != dstlong2 )
sl = *srclong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( sl LSOP prevleftshift ),
/*d*/ *dstlong,
! /*pst*/ prevsl = sl RSOP currrightshift;
} )
*** 1309,1315 ****
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( *srclong << prevleftshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( *dstlong & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
--- 1314,1320 ----
/*op*/ op,
/*pre*/ dl = *dstlong;,
! /*s*/ prevsl | ( *srclong LSOP prevleftshift ),
/*d*/ dl,
/*pst*/ *dstlong = ( *dstlong & lm ) | ( dl & nlm ); )
diff -c -r1.1 -r1.2 sys/arch/pmax/dev/bt478.c
*** sys/arch/pmax/dev/bt478.c 1995/09/11 08:11:22 1.1
--- sys/arch/pmax/dev/bt478.c 1995/11/25 10:38:42 1.2
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $NetBSD: bt478.c,v 1.1 1995/09/11 08:11:22 jonathan Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $NetBSD: bt478.c,v 1.2 1995/11/25 10:38:42 mellon Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
*** 121,127 ****
* Initialize the color map and the screen.
- bt478RestoreCursorColor (fi);
return (1);
--- 121,126 ----
*** 211,224 ****
if (fi -> fi_type.fb_depth == 1) {
vdac->mapWA = 0; MachEmptyWriteBuffer();
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
! ((u_char *)(fi -> fi_cmap_bits)) [i * 3]
! = vdac->map = (i < 128) ? 0x00 : 0xff;
! MachEmptyWriteBuffer();
((u_char *)(fi -> fi_cmap_bits)) [i * 3 + 1]
! = vdac->map = (i < 128) ? 0x00 : 0xff;
! ((u_char *)(fi -> fi_cmap_bits)) [i * 3 + 2]
! = vdac->map = (i < 128) ? 0x00 : 0xff;
} else {
--- 210,224 ----
if (fi -> fi_type.fb_depth == 1) {
vdac->mapWA = 0; MachEmptyWriteBuffer();
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
! ((u_char *)(fi -> fi_cmap_bits)) [i * 3] = 0;
((u_char *)(fi -> fi_cmap_bits)) [i * 3 + 1]
! = (i < 128) ? 0x00 : 0xff;
! ((u_char *)(fi -> fi_cmap_bits)) [i * 3 + 2] = 0;
! vdac->map = 0;
! MachEmptyWriteBuffer();
! vdac->map = (i < 128) ? 0x00 : 0xff;
! vdac->map = 0;
} else {
*** 244,251 ****
vdac->map = 0xff;
- #if 0
- #endif
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
--- 244,249 ----