Subject: Re: problem with mount
To: Yoseff francus <>
From: Stephen Degler <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/30/1995 14:28:16
I had this problem exactly. I dropped back and booted from my
previous working kernel, and recompiled /usr/src/sbin/*. After
installing them, I fixed /etc/fstab (ufs --> ffs), and rebooted with
the 1.1 kernel. All was well.
> When I try and use the mount command from the NetBSD-1.1 I get
> the following message:
> mount /dev/rz1g /tmp
> mount: cannot exec /usr/sbin/mount_ffs for /tmp no such file or directory
> Why is mount looking for anything in /usr/sbin???
> If I try and do:
> sbin/mount_ffs (or _ufs) the message I get is
> Operation not supported for this device.
> rz1 is an internal rz25 disk and can be mounted with the mount
> command in one of the old miniroots.
> Without a working mount command getting the new release installed is a
> real problem.
> yf
Stephen K. Degler Phone (212) 449-9476
Merrill Lynch Beeper (917) 205-1991
Swaps Systems PGP Key ID: 8FBEB585 or