Subject: Re: boot blocks
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@Gregorio.Stanford.EDU>
From: Ted Spradley <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/29/1995 20:59:52
> Ted Lemon writes:
> >Given what Andrew has said, you can probably replace the boot blocks
> >by doing a ``dd if=/usr/mdec/bootblks of=/dev/rrz0c seek=1 skip=1'',
> >although this still isn't going to fix the Ultrix disk label.
> No, but chpt -a sounds like it will, assuming Ted Spraley still
> has Ultrix up, with the partition table from that drive in-core.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Jonathan, Ted, Drew! It worked!
In fact, all I did was "dd if=/usr/mdec/bootblks of=/dev/rrz0c", then
"chpt -a -v /dev/rz0c", then fsck and dump the filesystems on the off
chance I could figure out something else to do if it wouldn't boot.
Then I worked up my nerve and typed "reboot", and it came right up!
Now I can get back to NetBSD!
Ted Spradley Usual disclaimers apply.
Information tends to drive out knowledge. [...] many people cannot
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wisdom, which even knowledge tends sometimes to drive out. -Heinz Pagels