Subject: Re: two dead clocks in 1996 or clock bug?
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/05/1996 11:22:20
Jonathan Stone writes:
> Since sometime around Jan 28, the clocks on both the NetBSd
> decstations here appear to have lost battery backup. They
> always report a date sometime in January 1994 when booted.
> This could mean that both batteries died at approximately the same
> time (both machines were off for several days during a move); or
> it could be a bug. Has anyone else rebooted a pmax since New Year's,
> and if so, what date did it give?
I just rebooted Simon Burge's NetBSD/pmax box, and it had the date
at Jan 2 1994. Also, running "rdate othermachine" prints the new date
but then wedged the machine for about 30 seconds (i.e, *nothing*
happened - I couldn't telnet to the machine, the xterm running on it
wouldn't respond, etc.) It did come back eventually though.
Luke Mewburn <>
Axioms to live by: a/ Never attribute to malice that which can be explained
by miscommunication. b/ It requires at least two people to miscommunicate
-- Drew Dean, in <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG> 950421