Subject: new kernel woes
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nathan Parrish <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/29/1996 10:13:14
While I'm encouraged because this is the closest I've gotten to a
kernel not only compiling, but working as well, I'm stumpted. I got
the tarballs as of, oh, Jan 23 let's say. I've pretty much given up
on oldconf, as makedep always turns up includes for files which exist
no where in the file tree. so I tried newconf (I used the NEWCONF
almost verbatim, changing only the timezone and the config line:
config netbsd root on rz1a swap on rz2b and rz0b dumps on rz2b).
Lo and behold, it compiled. So (and watch my step here, I seem to
recall there being something else I needed to do), I moved my present
kernel to safe new name, moved netbsd (the a.out flavour generated by
elf2aout) to / and rebooted. I got this:
Size: 932912+0+90576
Starting at 0x80030000
Copyright ...
NetBSD 1.1A (MAXINE) #0: Sun Jan 28 16:56:22 EST 1996
real mem = 16777216
avail mem = 1319732
using 409 buffers containing 1675264 bytes of memory
mainbus0 (root)
UNTESTED autoconfiguration!!
tc0 at mainbus0
MAIXNE turbochannel
xcfb0 at tc0 slot 3 offset 0x0 (1024x768x8) (console)asic0 at tc0
slot2 offset 0x0
le0 at asic0 offset 0xc0000 priority 4: address 08:00:2b:2a:7f:bb
leo: 32 receive buffers, 8 transmit buffers
scc0 at asic0 offset 0x100000 priority 6wiring unit 0 as console
clock0 at asic0 offset 0x0 priority 2097152
isdn at asic0 offset 0x240000 priority 7 not configured
dtop0 at asic0 offset 0x280000 priority 6dtop0 at nexus0 csr
0xbc280000 priority 4
fdc at asic0 offset 0x2c0000 priority 2 not configured
asc0 at asic0 offset 0x300000 priority 3: target 7
autoconfiguration done, spl back to 0x0
Beginning old-style SCSI device autoconfiguration
rz0 at asc0 drive 0 slave 0 DEC RZ23 (C) DEC rev 0A18, 204864 512
byte blocks
rz1 at asc0 drive 1 slave 0 type 0x0, qual 0x0, ver 2, 479350 512 byte
rz2 at asc0 drive 2 slave 0 type 0x0, qual 0x0, ver 2, 832527 512 byte
rconsattach: 1 raster consoles
WARNING: preposterous clock chip time
init: copying out path `/sbin/init' 11
then I'm for all intents and purposes hung. I seem to recall hearing
something about something else needing to be compiled, perhaps init.
On that offchance, I did so, but still no dice.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Nathan Parrish
Computing Center of Virginia Tech