Subject: Re: "pmax autoconfig changes: please try out!" (Jan 29, 8:10pm)
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/31/1996 13:01:28
Simon Burge writes:
>More on this. I've had problems compiling arch/pmax/tc/scc.c - it
>complains that it can't find "machine/ioasic_machdep.h", and there
>isn't a ioasic_machdep.h in arch/pmax/include. The old one of course
>doesn't work without all the BUS_ macros...
Oops. The <machine/ioasic_machdep.h> should be a reference to
pmax/dev/tc/ioasicvar.h, at least until CGD and I can agree on putting
suitable declarations in some machine-independent but
TC/IOASIC-specific file.
I think I forgot to commit an updated asc.c. I'm not sure why sfb.c
doesn't compile; it did for me. I'll check that too.
Thanks for finding and reporting those gotcha's,