Subject: Re: What's broken in NetBSD/pmax ?
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/16/1996 10:01:01
On Feb 15, 2:29am, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> Gord Matzigkeit replies:
> GM>1) PMAG-BA accelerated 2-D graphics card driver support. I don't know
> GM>where to begin with this. 20 of our 45 5000/120's use the PMAG-BA
> GM>card, and up- or downgrading is not a possibility.
> I don't understand this request at all. Are you sure you mean
> the PMAG-BA and not something else?
> Ted Lemon may correct me here, but: the PMAG-BA is the so-called SFB.
> There's an SFB driver, and if you put "options MELLON" in the kernel
> config file, then it should just work. It does break the CFB support,
> though. I have a putative fix for the RAMDAC driver, to make a single
> kernel work on either an SFB or a CFB. There's no real use made of
> the accelerator support, since I don't know how it's used!
Almost. The PMAG-BA is the cfb (dumb card) and the PMAGB-BA is the sfb
(relatively smart card). The programming info for the sfb is patchy at
best (AFAIK), but it basically works as a cfb if you don't use any of
the "features".
I've still got a /260 and a PMAGB-BA that will one day never see Ultrix