Subject: Re: printf bug ?
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/19/1996 13:26:03
On Feb 18, 2:54pm, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> [ Stuff about printf with floating point not working ... ]
> I wonder if this could be due to the stdargs/varargs headers? I notice
> I'm still using old (1.1?) headers, and *I* can't reproduce
> this problem. A sharfile of the headers from the system I compiled
> on is appended. Manuel, could you try installing those headers in
> /usr/include/machine, recompiling libc and your test program,
> and seeing if that works?
I reported this on Feb 1. After doing a "make build", the first thing
I noticed was df has this problem (the %age field).
I haven't had much of a chance to look at it (I now have a daughter
that seems to be taking up a bit of time :-), but I know that
/usr/include was installed properly. For now, I'm just using the old
libraries and current everyhing else. That seems to work fine...