Subject: interval vs external drives
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ed Jones <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/25/1996 16:14:32
Me again. I have 4 hard drives, 2 for NetBSD, 2 for Ultrix. The two
NetBSD drives (rz25) are mounted internal on my 5000/133 and the two
Ultrix drives (Quantum 540s and 340s) are mounted in a Storage Expansion
case (big fat old kind). Also, I have a DEC RRD42 cdrom mounted internally
also. NetBSD boots just lovely (yeah!) if I DO NOT connect the external
disks and terminate the external scsi connector. NetBSD will NEVER boot
if I connect the external disks.
When NetBSD tries old-style SCSI configuration (from Feb 6 kernel from
stanford) it bombs after seeing rz0 with the following types of messages:
asc: asc_intr: cmd 0 bn 0 cnt 0
asc0 tgt 0 status 87 ss c1 ir 10 cond 10:710 msg 12 resid 0
... plus about 20 more lines of similar messages
then the kernel pukes and I get a concole prom prompt.
Like I said, if I remove the external scsi devices, no problem. Is this
a known problem? I can boot ultrix just fine with the external drives
on and dont get any scsi complaints. A test scsi from the console comes
back clean too. Have I given enough information?
My system:
DECstation 5000/133
24MB ram
PMAG-B video (cfb0)
VR290 monitor
rz0 rz25 NetBSD boot disk (/ and /usr partitions)
rz1 Quantum 340s ultrix /usr/local
rz2 rz25 NetBSD /usr/src and swap disk
rz4 Quantum 540 ultrix boot disk
rz5 rrd42 cdrom
Any ideas here? Thanks :)
* Ed Jones -- System Dweeb | *
* Signal Detection Lab | *
* Department of Psychology | ejones@wsu (Bitnet) *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* Ed Jones -- Graduate Student | This is your world in which we *
* Department of Economics | grow, and we will grow to hate you *
* Wright State University | *