Subject: known, functional source tree
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ed Jones <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/26/1996 21:18:25
For my first build, I'd like to have a known functional source tree
with which to build. I grabbed the tarred -current source from this weekend
but a make depend in the compile/MACHINENAME directory returns
an error looking for tc_subr.c. It seems this file is in files.pmax
but not in my source tree. I also checked the non-tarred -current
sopurce on and it appears to have the same missing file.
It's likely I've forgotten something so I'm wondering where I can
get a known, functional, "stable" source tree? Perhaps the 1.1 source
tree? Thanks again.
First step is to build a kernel that incorporates my swapping partions.
Then try to get X11 up (with Arne's X11R5 binaries).
Thanks again.
* Ed Jones -- System Dweeb | *
* Signal Detection Lab | *
* Department of Psychology | ejones@wsu (Bitnet) *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* Ed Jones -- Graduate Student | This is your world in which we *
* Department of Economics | grow, and we will grow to hate you *
* Wright State University | *