Subject: Re: Maxtor XT-8760S -> RZ??
To: Matt Moore <>
From: Jeff Mahoney <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 05/21/1996 16:12:04
In message <>, you said
;This may be a little off the beaten path but I'm hoping one of you
;DEC heads knows the answer to this: I have a Maxtor XT-8760S 760MB
;SCSI drive (1632 cyl.,15 hds, 54 spt) and I'd like to know if I can
;use it as a DEC RZ-Anything (56 maybe?) in a DS5000/200. I'm planning
;on installing the pmax netbsd port. Thanks in advance.....
As far as I know, you can use ANY SCSI drive in a DECStation. It's
usually set up as an rzxx (xx is xx) you just need to add an entry in
/etc/disktab. Here is a sample entry:
rzxx|RZxx|Your Drive Name:\
Fill in your information where applicable...