Subject: Re: updated kernel on in ~ftp/pub/NetBSD/arch/pmax/snapshot
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 06/15/1996 09:37:53
On Jun 15, 12:41am, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> I built a new kernel from today's sources, plus a kludgy fix
> for the 3100 autoconfiguration-of-lance-device that's been troubling
> -current on 3100s.
> If someone could verify that this kernel boots on a 3100 (or 2100),
> I'd appreciate it. NB: the kernel on will autoconfig
> the 3100's Ethernet interface as le1, *not* le0.
It booted fine on my 3100.
> (I don't currently know of a workaround for the le1 vs le0,
> though from reading the source to config, futzing with the
> attributes of le, so that they're distinct on each of mainbus,
> ioasic, and tc, *should* work.)
I've also got a little workaround of my own - I have both a hostname.le0
and hostname.le1 file. That way the system will boot and ifconfig the
appropriate interface. It does generate an extraneous error message
when it tries to ifconfig the unconfigured device.
Michael L. Hitch INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA